Ever since the announcement of her upcoming murder mystery, fans of Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu have been eagerly awaiting the release of the film. The actress shared the news on her social media handle. After getting a positive response for the teaser, the trailer of the film is out today and we bet it will give you goosebumps. The trailer looks quite promising and is set amidst a dull winter setting. The trailer begins with a murder that appears to be of Taapsee Pannu`s on-screen sister. The actress is searching for clues to reach to the mystery behind her sister`s murder. There is a slight twist in the story when the doctor tells Taapsee that she is losing her eyesight and will go completely blind if she sees the daylight. The actor is then seen blindfolded at the end of the trailer. Sharing the film`s motion poster on Twitter, Pannu wrote, “The film `Blurr` will release on 9th December on Zee5.” Blurr also features Gulshan Devaiah in an important role. The film is backed by Zee Studios and Outsiders Films and Echelon Productions and is written by Ajay Bahl and Pawan Sony.Directed by Ajay Bahl, BLURR will release on 9th December on the OTT platform Zee5.