Post the covid-19 lockdown last year, when the theatres opened, audiences were sceptical about going to the theatres and even at that time Bollywood director Rohit Shetty was able to deliver a huge hit in “Sooryavanshi” last year. But afterwards, the box office returns for most of the Hindi language releases saw a downward trend. Now, the trend is expected to change with his new comedy film “Cirkus”. Rohit has dropped a one-of-its-kind teaser video where the entire lead cast of “Cirkus” announced the trailer release date of the film. The video features two Ranveer Singhs, two Varun Sharmas along with Jacqueline Fernandez, Pooja Hegde, Johny Lever, Sanjay Mishra, Vrajesh Hirjee, Tiku Talsania, Siddharth Jadhav, Mukesh Tiwari and Ashwini Kalsekar. Sharing the teaser, Ranveer Singh tweeted, “Welcome to our world! Trailer coming out on 2nd December! #CirkusThisChristmas”. The teaser opens with the cast of “Cirkus” recalling that life was simpler in the past. Johnny Lever recalled that those were the days when the children would ask questions to their grandparents and not on the internet. Tiku Talsania added kids would listen to bedtime stories and not watch Instagram Stories on their bed. Siddharth Jadhav concludes their walk down memory lane by revealing that “Cirkus” is also an old-school tale. The teaser has garnered mostly positive responses from social media users with many predicting that the film will be the highest-grosser of the year. A number of users pointed out that the film seems to be a remake of Gulzar`s “Angoor” starring Sanjeev Kumar & Deven Verma in double roles. However, according to Rohit Shetty, the film is in fact based on Shakespeare`s iconic play “Comedy of Errors”, which was also the source for “Angoor`. “Cirkus” is set to release on December 23.