US Amb Richard Verma strikes high note on last day of job |
US Ambassador Richard Verma was nostalgic on the last day on the job on 19 January 2017 as Donald Trump moves into the White House and outgoing President Barack Obama`s political appointees including Verma resigned. But, speaking to the national and particularly international media at the Foreign Correspondents Club of South Asia in Delhi, Verma said he was leaving with a lot of positivity and struck a high note on the India-US relationship. The bilateral ties that include sensitive areas as cooperation in defence and combating terrorism had reached a wonderful crescendo, hoping that that new President of the US would continue what is being dubbed by both sides leaders as the most defining partnership of the 21st Century. Responding to PIO TV Managing Editor Munish Gupta, also Managing Committee member of FCC, Ambassador Verma underlined that a nearly 4 million strong Indian American Diaspora played a vital role in shaping up the relationship between the two nations.